
Welcome to ChristianLearners! My name is Kevin Kroitor, and I created this platform so that Christ-followers of all stripes could have access to quality training in Bible, Theology, Apologetics, and other related disciplines. Further, it was important that the content be easy to understand, regardless of one's educational level and that content be conveniently delivered via email.

As I am the primary content creator, it might be helpful to know that I am a PhD Candidate (ABD) in Theology and Apologetics with Liberty University (Lynchburg, VA). I also hold the following degrees: Master of Divinity (Crown College, St. Bonifacius, MN), Master of Arts in Theological Studies (Liberty University), and a Bachelor of Science in Christian Ministry (Crown College). I have taught theology and apologetics at the graduate and undergraduate levels for the past seven years, have served in pastoral ministry for over a decade, and currently serve as the Executive Director of Youth for Christ in Florida's Treasure Coast.

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